West Palm Beach, FL, Atlanta, GA, Charlotte, NC, Raleigh, NC, Virginia Beach, VA, Philadelphia, PA, Pittsburgh, PA, Washington, DC, and today I am in Toronto, ONT, CANADA. The tour has been really fun. I have met new friends and old ones are getting closer knit together. SOOOOO excited to see my wife soon. She got to come to the Atlanta show and she will be coming out to spend 4th of July with me as well. YES! OK well here is a look at what the tour has been so far! Enjoy!
Me, Zac, and Bran....the first iPhone pic!

Bran and I in Urban in Vegas!
Vegas Skyline
My guitar world...
Shirly, Nate, and Chad
Riley, Ronnie, and Aaron
Found this 1957 in a parking lot in California. Beautiful!
Will Barrett ... man. myth. legend. (Eating Indian food in San Diego)

Cool little shopping district in Salt Lake City
Found this portrait in a coffee shop....AMAZING!

Chad Riding Pumba...


My Beautiful wifey posing for me. Her first iPhone pic.

Nate riding his hog.

Super nice bug in North Carolina
Virginia Beach......view from my room.

Zac and I sporting some mustaches in Pittsburgh. (GO PENS!)

Random dinosaur holding Henrietta Pussycat and King Friday
Paramore...during a show...

Toronto's Chinatown

Boba tea...I had three in one day. Soooooo good!